Brian Demarets Photography

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Friday Night Walk

One of the benefits of living in the “Historical Charpentier (Carpenter) District” is the accessibility to walk to Downtown Lake Charles. Friday, I managed to replace the part on my riding lawn mower that was the source of a small fire a couple of weeks ago. Mower runs like a champ again and I was able to cut the grass which was much needed. I hit up my buddy Brian to see if he wanted to go to “Live At The Lakefront” to check out the bands (Flamethrowers). On our walk we stopped by MacFarlane’s Celtic Pub. The Guinness was good and so was the Irish grub we indulged in. Our journey continued towards the amphitheater. I was able to get the photos of the Fisherman at the boardwalk which I edited it to have a retro look. I didn’t take very many pics while watching the Flamethrowers but managed to snap a few keepers and decided they look best in a Sepia type tone or black and white. I’m hot and cold when it comes to my hobbies so sometimes I take more pictures than I care to edit and then other times my camera sits in the bag for a week or two. Sometimes, I have offers to take pictures for senior pics, prom…etc. but most of the time I just want to do street photography and stay away from the professional side. With that being said…I do need to venture out more and expand my horizons to see if I can kick ass on some pics with some well dressed individuals. Anyway those are my thoughts as I type away…thanks for reading.