Easter Twins

Happy Easter to everyone. There are many keys to what makes a great picture. I’ve taken way more pics that weren’t any good versus useable ones. One of the main factors to getting a good pic is lighting. The family in the photo shoot is my friend Mario, his wife and twins. I consider myself more of a street photographer rather than a portrait photographer. In this shoot I got some really nice photos but I did struggle with my off camera flash photography. I made a make shift backdrop in my living room. The room has 6 big windows and provides great lighting but not so much on an overcast day such as yesterday. It’s clear that I need to invest in some artificial lighting for portraits. There is a science behind lighting such as diffusion, position and strength of lighting…etc. Now when it comes to humans and posing…well that’s a whole different struggle. Trying to get everyone to look at the camera without blinking, being distracted and a slight turn of the head is almost impossible…or at least for an amateur such as myself. Babies drool, spit up, put hands in front of their faces or fall asleep. Next month we will have our first grandbaby around so I will have to invest in some good props for pictures. I’m going to have my very own test subject! Now…if I can get a Super Model to work with :)

Editing pictures is another aspect to personalize your photos. I use Adobe Lightroom. Every photographer develops his or her own style in time. My street photography style bleeds over into my portraits. My wife pointed this out when I showed her some of my pics of the twins so I re-edited a few. I’m going to include some of the pics from yesterday’s photo shoot. I love them blue eyes of the twins. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Click on my gallery to see the twins.


Choke @ Panorama


Friday Night Walk