Brian Demarets Photography

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The Ride

Well my Saturday is about wrapped up. It was a beautiful fall day here in South Louisiana. We (the wife and I) took advantage and went for a ride on our e-bikes. I have a Super73 and it’s a great way to get around for Photography. We stopped off at our local Irish Pub, drank a couple of pints and ate some great burgers. I edited 4 pictures from my ride. None of them were total bangers but I had seen a VW Van close to my house that I wanted to get a photo of. My only regret is that I didn’t go when the mechanic shop was closed and during golden hour but I may return to get the shot I want. Tomorrow my business cards arrive so I’m excited to get out and do some street photography. Like I said before, my plan is to share my pics with some of the people that I meet on the streets and take their picture. I’m still learning how to customize my website and make it better. I used Squarespace to create my site. Thanks to all my visitors and it’s time to call it a night……